Making a Difference in People’s Lives
So, time to get started. Take a deep breath, because you are going to start making a difference in people’s lives. What’s the first thing you do? You pray. So let’s do that. Heavenly Father, for love of me you gave your Son to die, that I might be forgiven my sin and be made new. I thank you for that, and ask that you help me show the same love and compassion to those who have need of you. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
What is Discipleship?
Those who answer Jesus’ invitation to, “Come, and follow me” are called disciples. As he began his ministry, and then throughout it, Jesus called men and women to lay down what they were doing and follow him.
Making New Disciples
Most of us feel inadequate when it comes to inviting people into that relationship with Jesus, so training and programming can help members of your congregation to become more effective evangelists.
Growing as Disciples
Evangelism, the making of new disciples, does not happen or happen well until those disciples already called to faith and baptism are practicing their faith. Worship and fellowship open us to a more profound relationship with God.
Discipleship Moments
NALC Discipleship Moments videos are presented by NALC executive staff and leaders who reflect the Word of God, the meaning of “discipleship,” their vision for the NALC, what it means to be “mission-driven,” and much more.