
The Atlantic Missions District of the NALC depends on the generosity of our congregations and individual members for the support of our operations and ministries. We are truly thankful for your generous support.

All gifts to the Atlantic Missions District of the NALC should be mailed to our office at the address below:

The Atlantic Mission District of the NALC
1380 Twigg Ave
Lebanon, PA 17046

You may also donate via PayPal


Other Giving Opportunities


NALC Operating (General) Fund

Funds for the annual operations of the NALC are primarily provided by benevolence gifts from our member congregations, but individuals are encouraged to contribute as well.  These funds support a range of NALC activities, including outreach to congregations considering joining the NALC and assistance to congregations and pastors in the candidacy and call processes, as well as the NALC’s missions, ministry and operations staff.

Donate online to the NALC Operating (general) Fund. Donations by check should be payable to “North American Lutheran Church” or “NALC” and mailed to the address above.


NALC Great Commission Fund

This fund supports the missions and evangelism ministries of the NALC as we live out our commitment to be a “Mission-Driven” church.  Grants from this fund are made for four primary purposes: (1) planting new mission congregations, (2) revitalizing and renewing existing NALC congregations, (3) training, support and continuing education of missional leaders, and (4) support for international missionaries and projects.

Donate online to the Great Commission Fund or mail your gift to the address noted above, noting “Great Commission Fund” on the check memo line.

Gifts for the GREAT COMMISSION SOCIETY should be mailed to the address above, noting “Great Commission Society” on the check memo line. We are unable to accept online gifts for the Great Commission Society at this time.


NALC Theological Education Fund

This fund supports the NALC’s efforts to provide for faithful Lutheran theological education for its pastors, prospective pastors and laypeople.  In particular, this fund provides resources for the establishment and development of the new North American Lutheran Seminary, including operational funding and scholarship support for seminarians.  Grants from this fund are also made for other specific purposes, including support for NALC students and NALC teaching theologians at other seminaries, as well as theological conferences and seminars.

Donate online to the Theological Education Fund or mail your gift to the address noted above, noting “Theological Education Fund” on the check memo line.


Disaster Response Fund

This fund provides resources to respond rapidly when domestic natural disasters occur, to alleviate human suffering, provide transitional assistance, and enable those affected to begin the rebuilding process. The NALC’s Disaster Response Coordinator administers the use of the fund, working cooperatively with and through local NALC congregations and members, as well as other compatible disaster relief organizations such as LCMS Disaster Response.

Please note: This fund is for domestic disasters only. Gifts for international disaster relief should be directed to Lutheran World Relief ( or the international relief organization of your choice.

Donate online to the Disaster Response Fund or mail your gift payable to the North American Lutheran Church at the address noted above, noting “Disaster Response Fund” on the check memo line.


Ethiopian Church Relief Fund

This fund was established to help Christians in western and southwestern Ethiopia who experience persecution by Islamic radicals.

Donate online to the Ethiopian Church Relief Fund or mail your gift payable to “Ethiopian Church Relief Fund” to the address noted above.

Planned Giving and Bequests

Some members and friends of the NALC are choosing to provide for the long-term support of their church through provisions in their wills.  Such gifts, called “bequests,” permit the donor to identify and support those ministries which best reflect his or her values and beliefs.  Should you wish to make a bequest for the support of the NALC in your will, the following is sample language which you can use:

[specify dollar amount or a percentage of the estate’s residual value] to the North American Lutheran Church, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation located at 3500 Mill Run Drive, Hilliard, OH 43026-7770, for the benefit of [the general operating fund of the North American Lutheran Church] OR [specific fund or ministry]

If you have further questions, feel free to contact the NALC Treasurer.